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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
344.56 Kolophon EG Ionic Dodekapolis Abou Simbel Architectural element c. 591
344.58 Teos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Abou Simbel Architectural element c. 591
356.04a Rhodes EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Abou Simbel Architectural element c. 591
356.04b Rhodes EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Abou Simbel Architectural element c. 591
358.48a Greeks in Egypt EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Abou Simbel Architectural element c. 591
358.48b Greeks in Egypt EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Abou Simbel Architectural element c. 591
358.48c Greeks in Egypt EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Abou Simbel Architectural element c. 591